Piece Comment

Review of What is The Meaning of Life?

The Man-On-The-Street is On The Street Again -- Mal Sharpe has been doing hysterical Man-On-The-Street interviews for decades. This show strings together dozens of recent interviews, roughly hovering around the big question: What's the Meaning of Life? Of course, he finally gets the definitive answer from his mother -- where else?

Just so you know, Mal has been a friend and colleague for nearly twenty years, so I'm used to his humor. That didn't keep me from breaking out in laughter several times. This is a great program that simply fascinates the listener. What will he say next? Where did these people (the interviewees) come from? It's amazing the way people get completely into the absurd question at hand.

The show is fast moving and peppered with great jazz tunes that in some way relate to the topic at hand. Some of these numbers are pretty obscure, but then Mal has a great collection.

Bay Area people can catch his humor when his band, "Big Money In Jazz" (the Grateful Dead of Dixieland) performs. Great stuff.