Jenny Attiyeh

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  • Username: jennyattiyeh
  • Host/Producer
  • Role: Producer/Reporter: Independent


Caption: Flannery O'Connor in 1962, Credit: Joe McTyre/Atlanta Constitution

Tom Perrotta on Flannery O'Connor -- a literary affinity (30:00)
From: Jenny Attiyeh

Tom Perrotta, the author of "Little Children", "Election" and the upcoming novel "The Leftovers", speaks with ThoughtCast about a writer who fascinates, irritates and ...
Caption: Lovejoy Brook Farm, Credit: Jenny Attiyeh

The Future of Farming in Vermont -- with slideshow! (09:09)
From: Jenny Attiyeh

Lydia Ratcliff is a survivor. She's farmed her 90 acre plot of land in Andover Vermont for 43 years, and though she's now come down with chronic obstructive pulmonary ...
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Harvard Physicist Lisa Randall on ThoughtCast (28:30)
From: Jenny Attiyeh

ThoughtCast talks with Harvard physicist Lisa Randall about her new book,"Warped Passages".
Caption: 4 month old bear cub, Credit: Ben Kilham

Orphaned Black Bear Cubs and the Man Who Reads their Minds (27:53)
From: Jenny Attiyeh

You’re about to hear a story about the bear whisperer of Lyme New Hampshire, Ben Kilham, and the abandoned black bear cubs he has rescued, rehabilitated and released back ...
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The Origins of Rock -- on ThoughtCast! (03:30)
From: Jenny Attiyeh

Rock and Roll. A term we all know well. But what does the word rock mean? Simple enough question. But how did the term originate? Where -- and why? These questions are ...