Piece Comment

Review of Time in Film

First of all, in all of Jonathan Mitchell's pieces, the music is expertly done and chosen so they're going to sound excellent on the air of any station that uses music to strive for professional elegance. Plus the sound matches it.

Plus I particularly like this piece because it really makes the listener think about how media (here, film) affects everybody's perception of time - it's an astonishing, present day truth that's has been so gradual that perhaps we don't think about it enough - or at all.

This piece is from Studio 360 - I think about how - because of prx - it could be a nifty little piece of luck for stations be able to cherrypick these top-notch, cultural pieces (that are so respectful of the listener's intelligence) after the fact of the program - and even when the station does not subscribe to Studio 360.

Is it?