Piece Comment

Review of Dangers of the River Road

This, as a short feature, if done well, and kept short, could be a fairly decent short feature. However I feel it was not done properly. First of all, the narrator, Meghan Lamb, does not have the best voice during this piece, she stays monotone, soft spoken, weak sounding, and she read her script in a way that you knew she was reading, that is not always best, one needs to sound somewhat conversation when reading on the radio. As far as narrations goes they were perfectly fine. However the narrations needed to broken up more. I think it went about a minute and a half before she broke up her first narration, she could have broken it up sooner, considering the topic of this piece is not very interesting in itself she needed to make it more interesting by perhaps adding audio or interviews of people describing river road,maybe even in kind of a vox-pop style. Overall, before I go over my word limit, this piece needed more ambient sound, interviews and descriptions of the road from someone other than the narrator, and the narrations needed to be shortend.