Piece Comment

Review of Ramadan Fasting

As the season of Holy Days and a shift of light comes upon us, we have great opportunities to observe our collective thoughts on matters of faith. In "Ramadan Fasting", producer Russ Jennings has delivered a thoughtful 5 minutes on the tradition of fasting as it pertains to Ramadan. The mystical music soundtrack soothes as Muslim Sheik Ibrahim Al-Ansari explains the motivation and spiritual aspects of the Ramadan fast, followed by a reading from the Sufi mystic Rumi. Together it makes for thoughtful meditation on an important holiday that transcends religious boundaries.

I would hope that stations could find 5 minutes especially around the beginning of the day. It's an important Muslim holy day, and I think both non-Muslim and Muslim listeners would enjoy the experience.

This year, Ramadan begins on October 4th.