Piece Comment

Review of "Let Her Be There": A Foster Care Teen Talks With Her Biological Mom

This is a beautiful piece. You don’t quite know what you are listening to at first. Turns out you’re hearing a mother admit, or acknowledge, that she abandoned her own daughter… and the person she is speaking to is her daughter, who is interviewing her. It’s a stunning example of the power of an interview, and what having a microphone and a purpose can do, how concise and direct an interview can be. The piece is simple and well-constructed, the “information” of the story is organized well. The piece is great radio - it takes you deeply (briefly) inside another experience, brings up emotions that make you think. It’s worth making a place for this piece – as part of a series, within a talk show, on ME or ATC with the right set-up. It’s the kind of piece that will cause listeners to stop and wait to hear the end. One note: I think there is a technical problem at the end of the piece. A dropout? And an echo? Maybe the echo is on purpose? If it is, I didn’t like it. The end, in general, was a bit disappointing. It needs something else. But I am not sure what. I imagine it was very difficult to find an ending for this piece.