Piece Comment

Review of Subtext: Communicating with Horses

Take a great, well focused and edited interview, and then complement it with a simple narrative coming from a very original angle, and there you have the recipe for this attractive series of short animal pieces from Jay Allison and Christina Egloff, circa 1985. This one is the horse (check out snakes, dogs, and all the others), and his whisperer, and we hear him as loudly and clearly as she does. I remember these pieces in their original incarnation, and they sound just as fresh today. At that time, we called it "creative use of actuality," where real voices collided with dreams and poetry. It seemed so exhilarating and new then. The odd thing is that it still seems new simply because it's a liberty not so often taken. Who would have thought that 25 years later stories would have stayed so straight?