Piece Comment

Review of I'll Quit Cutting When You Quit Smoking

This piece had me interested right from the title. Unlike most teenagers April didn't choose to cut but sort of happened upon it. I like how it took a common problem (though most families don't know or ignore it) and put a new spin on it. I've heard many things that say that cutting is bad and that you're a bad person if you cut and a "bad friend" (like your friend stated) but nothing that shines a positive light on it.
I like how the narrator gives this to us as if reading her diary and going about her day to day life and slowly showing us that maybe she does have a solid reason to do what she is doing. She even tells us that unlike most teens April isn't ashamed of cutting but rather looks proudly upon her scars. It is also interesting that though she herself has a smoking problem Aprils mother says that her daughter has all the problems. Although I like this piece, I do hope your mother stops smoking.