Piece Comment

Review of Islamic Education

Too bad there isn't a tone for "BBC Radio 4ish", because that is the perfect way to describe this piece.
It is certainly a comfort to know that the peaceful and beautiful aspects of the Islamic faith are being taught to young people who may feel confused about their Muslim identities. I enjoy hearing that the true teachings of the Koran are being taught to Muslim-American youth before they might be led astray by dangerous extremists. Ms. Smolenski has chosen an excellent topic that does a wonderful job of tempering the constant negativity that we see regarding Islam with a hopeful feeling that the religion might find leaders in the young Americans that follow it and lift the distorted image that has sadly become its main connotation.
This would be a good piece to have on during a homeland security segment, as it would show that Americans on both sides of cultural fences are doing their part to ensure a safe future for our nation.
The only suggestion that I make to Ms. Smolenski is to pronounce the Arabic names a bit slower and with less of an accent as it made them difficult to catch and kind of interrupted the flow of the piece.