Piece Comment

Review of Auditorium

This is probably the sweetest piece I have ever heard! Young Chris' curious innocence, made me laugh, smile, and remember the many things I've stuck up my nose all at once. The use of playful music interspersed with Chris' confident and extremely well-written dialouge, makes this piece enjoyable and fun, for all ages. It is true to say both my dad and I were laughing.Chris' incorporation of the audience, by asking questions such as; "Who was your best friend in first grade?", is charmingly unique. There is only one small part in this piece that could use a little enhancement. After Mrs. Dole reads her poem, a slight pause would be lovely! This piece makes the listener examine their lives and find the fun, entertaining, and often hilarious mistakes that are more often than not, everywhere. A great listen, and a sure recommendation to brighten any day.