Piece Comment

I have Health Insurance, but I agree with you

I am one of the very lucky Americans who have great health insurance. As a federal employee living in the Washington-Baltimore area, I not only have about 3/4 of my premium picked up by my employer (indirectly, the taxpayers of the U.S.A.), but I have a choice of health care insurance options. I picked Blue Cross, because I happen to have a chronic illness, rheumatoid arthritis. I have tried to not only follow doctor's orders, but to take good care of myself, but am also reaching an age where I have high cholesterol. Long story short - I am one of the moderate users in my insurance plan. I'm grateful to the people who are paying premiums, and not using as much as I must. I also don't run to see the doctor for every little thing. But that's part of the problem. Lots of people do - run to see the doctor for every little thing. And they demand every single test, and the medication they saw on TV.
I am in favor of universal health care coverage - of some things. That is what is missing from the debate. EVERYONE living in the U.S.A. should have a basic physical, access to vaccinations, well-baby care, and as we age, some basic screening. But should everyone have free OTC drugs for mild allergies? NO. We all need to come together to demand a government-financed option. This option would, of necessity, contract with privately-owned medical practices, pharmacies, and testing facilitities to provide us with the care we need.

My heart goes out to you, Sally, Sallee, and Nancy. I just want you to know that I am one of the insured who does understand. Maybe because I need my health insurance. I use it every day when I take my prescription medication that keeps me healthy enough to work.