Piece Comment

Childhood Friends

This radio piece reminds me of my own childhood. I appreciate this piece a lot, Noa. I liked the part about A, when she said that nobody liked her. But look at her now; she has friends that care about her and hang out with her. Anyway, I liked it a lot. People said things that were both good and bad. From this story the people you interviewed seemed like they were the new kids at school. Other kids seemed to hate them, but things changed for the better or, sometimes, for the worse. I had a friend named John-Edward, and I remember one day, we had a little fight about Pokemon. He started getting mad, and then, out of nowhere, he punched me in the face. Now we're not friends anymore. So people that age are kind of mean, but it's ok. When they get older, they just look onto their past, and think to themselves, "Why did I do that? What was the point of that?" and, "Should we act the same when we get older?" But life is life; nobody can change anyone else. People may guide us, but there is never going to be someone saying, "Do this, do that." We make our own choices.