Piece Comment

Review of The Penguin Goes A Courtin'

This was one of the most memorable pieces included in a challenge to achieve as many stories as possible in 60 minutes of "This American Life". As a child of the 60's, I spent every Tuesday and Thursday afternoon in front of the t.v. in the family room, eager to see Batman and Robin thwart their bizzare enemies. The Penguin, though, was my clear favorite. The Joker was not funny, even to a 10-year old, the Riddler, ditto. The Penguin, he was mysterious, he was smooth, and it made you kind of sorry for him. I loved entering into the fantasy of what made him who he was, and adding Mary Poppins into the story was a bit of whacky genius. Again, playing right into the heart of my generation. The piece was delivered with hearfelt seriousness, the timing was flawless.