Comments for Peace Talks Radio: Regarding Gandhi (59:00/54:00/29:00)

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This piece belongs to the series "Peace Talks Radio: Weekly Hour Long Episodes"

Produced by Paul Ingles/ Good Radio Shows, Inc.

Other pieces by Good Radio Shows, Inc.

Summary: The life and legacy of Mohandas Gandhi is recalled by Arun Gandhi (Mohandas Gandhi's grandson) and Gandhi scholar John Dear.

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Review of Regarding Gandhi (Peace Talks Radio Series) [59:00/54:00/29:00]

I?m originally Indian and have done a fair bit of reading about Gandhi?s life and work but I still found it very interesting hearing both Arun Gandhi?s memories of his grandfather and a Jesuit?s view of Gandhi who while being tolerant of other religions was essentially a Hindu. One of the statements made by John Dear (the Jesuit priest) did surprise me tremendously - is two thirds of the human race really in some way involved in grass roots movements for peace? Is that a statement that needs some challenging or expanding? If it?s true, one rejoices that such a movement would be so widespread.
There was a tendency on the part of the interviewer to feed a few too many loaded questions to the people she was talking to, leaving them room only affirm and expand, but this is essentially a moving piece and includes moving stories of a great man. I also appreciated the effort to ask about Gandhi?s relevance in the world we live in today.
I think that this piece is not particularly noteworthy for its radiophonic aspects, but it?s a worthy subject with interesting interviews. Make no mistake, this is radio with a Message, but it is a wise message and it would do us all the world of good to have a listen.