Comments for Playing Against the Odds (5:09)

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This piece belongs to the series "The Core by Open Orchard Productions"

Produced by Joe Rich and Angie Mogilefsky

Other pieces by Open Orchard Productions

Summary: Training to become a professional hockey player doesn't come without a price for this teenager. Will countless hours of practice and perseverance pay off?

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Goals after high school coming to life

What a relevant story! The inspiration that comes from this story will definitely spark some for others that hear it I'm sure. I really enjoyed the interview, it was very well conducted. A great piece, in my opinion, keeps the listener engaged the entire time. You did that very well with your transitions and preview and review statements. It was a great story to listen to because I'm sure this idea or one like it has gone through every high school students mind. The most interesting part of the piece was the introduction and conclusion because they wrapped up the piece well. The overall effect was there and it definitely kept me wanting more in the end! Great job.