Comments for On A Visit To The United States, A First Encounter With Racism

Caption: RadioActive's Kamna Shastri and her cousin Ananya Shankar in Seattle, Credit: Jenny Asarnow

Produced by Kamna Shastri

Other pieces by KUOW's RadioActive Youth Media

Summary: A 13-year-old girl in Chennai, India, had always wanted to visit the United States. But when she does, her idealized view of America is tested by the racism she encounters.

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Making a Difference

It was very interesting hearing a different perspective of what some people think is the norm. A good piece in my opinion engages the listener the entire time, and you did just that! I think that all the different perspectives really added to the piece and provided it with some diversity. The best part of listening to this piece was the after effect, going out and seeing all of these daily things and trying to make a difference. The quality of what everyone had to say was spot on and all of the sound effects made the piece that much better. I appreciate that you went the extra step to make the piece of such high caliber. Your introduction really grabbed my attention which made me want to keep listening. The conclusion was very well done, it wrapped up all that was said very nicely. Great job!