Comments for High School Play Challenges A Family To Forgive

Caption: Trent Selland played death row inmate Matthew Poncelet in Bishop Blanchet High School's production of "Dead Man Walking."

Produced by Ian Dangla

Other pieces by KUOW's RadioActive Youth Media

Summary: Darlene Selland still remembers the day she found out. The knock, being told to sit down. Her niece Tiffany had been murdered. For a long time, she and her family wanted the man responsible to die. Now they’re not so sure. RadioActive reporter Ian Dangla has a story of a monumental change for a family, and how a high school play had a lot to do with it.

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What a story

What an personal story! This piece really made me think about my relationships. In my opinion, a good audio piece engages the listener, this piece couldn't have done that any better. I appreciate your courage in sharing this piece. This piece really does show the true generational effect. I personally have trouble telling a personal story without being shy, you did an awesome job! The best part of listening to this feature was being able to picture how the story rolls out, you put me in your mindset. Your interviews were great and I really enjoyed the different perspectives.