Comments for The Life of Rachel Corrie

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Produced by Liz Jones

Other pieces by KUOW

Summary: Interview with Craig and Cindy Corrie, parents of Rachel Corrie,an Olympia activist killed in the Gaza Strip

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Review of The Life of Rachel Corrie

Rachel Corrie died whilst trying to stop an Israeli tank from bulldozing a home in the Gaza Strip. This interview with her parents, two erudite people with strong ethical and political views seems to miss the mark a little. It comes alive only about three quarters of the way through when the mother reads out one of her daughters e-mails she wrote from the Middle-East. Before that we hear about Rachel's youth and her influences. As a listener I don't find it particularly enlightening and the opening question doesn't give me much confidence. "Were there early signs that Rachel looked at the world in a unique way?" Well, she may have been an interesting, inquisitive child but a one off? A first? What clearly comes out of the interview is that she is a product of her parents and inherited their intellectual curiosity.

Unfortunately, the interview spends far too much time exploring Rachel's pre-Middle-East experiences and how that would have influenced her decision to go there. A programme on her time in the Palestinian territories interspered with her e-mails written whilst there(numerous apparently)would surely have been more riveting.