Comments for Elections for Dummies

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This piece belongs to the series "Blunt Presents Special Coverage of the 2004 Presidential Election"

Produced by Justin Norton

Other pieces by Blunt Youth Radio Project

Summary: Youth reporter, Justin Norton breaks down some simple facts about the upcoming presidential election.

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Review of Elections for Dummies

This story is about how the Presidential elections work and about the Electoral College. Though he explains it very succinctly, I am distracted by the guy in the background screaming (not very well either) the presidential anthem. This story I only give a 2 out of five because of that reason and that he didn't explain the Electoral College longer.

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Dummies Don't Vote

A short refresher course for those of us who slept through American Government and Political Science 101.

The hyperactive hollering of "Hail to the Chief" in the background gives this mindless "explainer" an irreverent twist. It made me prick up my ears!