Comments for The Boat

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Produced by David Weinberg

Other pieces by David Weinberg

Summary: A story about not living on a boat in Alaska

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Review of The Boat

Individual confession seems to have become the style of choice for a majority of creative radio projects at the moment. Stories, stories, stories: there are a lot of people tapping on that vein out there.

This one catches my attention because it strikes me as an existence so unlike mine or that of anyone I know. This young man has a unique point of view to say the least. I will resist a stale term like *refreshing* to describe it (although it is), to instead say *astonishing in it's dramatic simplicity.* In the 30's he would have been lost, in the 50's beatific, in the 60's real, and after that everyone stopped counting (and too bad!).

From a production point of view, I was annoyed by the change in music cuts behind every mood change - especially because it was stock choices that have they nothing to do with each other or the story.

However, The Boat is well-written and well-read, and although on one side of my mouth I say, OK, another story, on the other side I'm saying, so, what happens next?