Comments for Aneurysm

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This piece belongs to the series "Family Snapshots"

Produced by The Independent Eye

Other pieces by Conrad Bishop

Summary: An elderly woman phones her older brother to let him know she's having a risky, life-saving operation. She ends up comforting him.

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Review of Aneurysm

I didn't select any "tones" for this piece because none of the tones in the list apply to what I think of this piece. "Pretentious" is one word that comes to mind. "Trying too hard" is another tone that comes to mind. Lastly, "boring" is another tone that I would use to describe this piece. It's just another attempt at being artsy without feeling or substance. There is nothing to this piece. Are we supposed to be imagining someone talking to a person on the phone at a payphone or on a cell phone or what? Why is the sound so echo-ey? Is this supposed to be taking place on stage in an empty playhouse? It sounds like someone is reading lines on stage and we are supposed to be impressed by the acting. I thought this piece was nothing to write home about and certainly not radio-worthy.