Comments for The Emergence of Shawn Colvin: Inside "These Four Walls"

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Produced by Paul Ingles/Cedar Creek Studios

Other pieces by Paul Ingles

Summary: Three-time Grammy winner Shawn Colvin is captured in the studio working on her 2006 album THESE FOUR WALLS and reflecting on her career in music.

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Review of Shawn Colvin: Inside "These Four Walls" (118:00 / 59:00 / 54:00)

I found this to be an amazingly honest look at one artists' creative process, from singing nonsense syllables and letting the sub-conscious fill in the blanks over hours or months, to "...ripping off.." pieces of other musicians melodies and taking them in a different direction, to building the songs collaboratively with others while recording in the studio.
Her reflections on melancholy and how it affects her work were thought provoking: I mentally ran through my favorite songwriters work and could see which ones fit that description and which ones were writing from a more objective point of view. Instead of feeling like a spectator at a musicians zoo; I felt like a fellow patient at someones psychotherapy session, someone really interesting, creative, and honest.
The interviews have substance: you find out how her songs are written by listening to her write pieces of them, you witness an album being made from start to finish, and how the reactions of others to new songs affects her choices on what to play, record, or work further on.
Shawn Colvin's creative process, as revealed here, is a perfect allegory for life.
I couldn't stop listening, and the two hours went by in a flash, leaving me wishing for more.

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Review of Shawn Colvin: Inside "These Four Walls" (118:00 / 59:00 / 54:00)

Inside "These Four Walls" presented a thorough and informative glimpse into the production process of a music album. Shawn Colvin?s music added a wonderful juxtaposition to the revealing interviews of Colvin and others involved from the song writing throughout final mixing. The finished product may sound effortless, but this program demonstrates the intricacies of this music development.

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Review of Shawn Colvin: Inside "These Four Walls" (118:00 / 59:00 / 54:00)

Prior to hearing"Shawn Colvin: Inside "These Four Walls" I didn't know her or her music. I now know her as the artist that she is. The process of her music making is revealed clearly and in real easy to understand terms. Very intresting insight into an artist's life and work. Captivating.

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Review of Shawn Colvin: Inside "These Four Walls" (118:00 / 59:00 / 54:00)

Okay,I'm a Shawn Colvin fan, so you would expect me to enjoy this show, right? In fact, I usually get a little irritated when I hear my idols featured on radio shows. I fume over the banal nature of the questions asked by inane presenters, seeking only to promote their own sense of importance. I despair at the lost opportunities and imagine what I would have asked if I had been able to pose the questions.

Paul Ingles asked intelligent and thought provoking questions of a nature so personal (about the creative process) that you wondered whether Shawn would give an answer. But she more than up for it and matched the questions with honest and direct answers. We started with the new album, These Four Walls, and returned to it throughout the show - following the construction of some of the songs from initial conception to completed product. We visited each of the albums in turn and Shawn put them in the context of her life at that time.

Whatever Ms Colvin does to promote her latest album - and no doubt there will be many radio shows and many interviews - you won't hear anything as good as this.

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Review of Shawn Colvin: Inside "These Four Walls" (118:00 / 59:00 / 54:00)

Shawn Colvin is an artist, which delights the soul with the intrigue of her words and the blend of her fingers rolling on the strings of her guitar. The interview was done at the perfect moment. I wanted it to go on forever. I felt Shawn in the room, revealing how she creates a song, develops the personality, gives life to it, and than shares the meaning. I am amazed!

I wish this was available on CD. It is an insight to her relationship with John and the different artists who influenced her as she began her journey with her guitar. It puts a whole new twist on how she creates her music. I love that she sits in her car and writes. Makes you smile!

Listening to Shawn's own words of where she has been and where she is now, has taken my admiration of her to a new level. I am a fan forever! Thank you Shawn for sharing and your contributions to music. See you in Chicago when you tour.

Thank you Paul for a top notch production and interview.

Maureen A. Connery
Elk Grove Village. IL

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Review of Shawn Colvin: Inside "These Four Walls" (118:00 / 59:00 / 54:00)

As a long-time, die hard Boston area Shawn Colvin fan (had the Somerville Theatre tape, was at those shows at Passim she talks about) I so enjoyed listening to this interview. Great insight to the artist and the newest album "These Four Walls" - which is a real gem, btw. I'd love to hear this show on radio or have a copy for my own personal collection.

The guest interviews and pieces of older are great supplements to the conversation. This two hours show made me feel as though I had just taken a graduate course in S.COLVIN. ( And If the show were were longer ...I'd happily keep listening. )

The visual description of the recording sessions along with the conversation among the musicians made me feel like I was a fly on the wall at the studio.

The great thing about interviews with Colvin is that it's as interesting and entertaining to hear her conversation as it is to listen to her wonderful lyrics and hear that absolutely heavenly singing voice.

I was knocked out and totally hooked on Colvin's music from the moment I heard "Steady On" and haven't been let down by her work over the many years since then.

This show would be greatly appreciated in my location (Somerville, Cambridge/Boston, MA) where she has a strong fan base.
If it ends up on radio here - I hope I know about it. I certainly wouldn't miss this show if I knew it was going to be on the air.

Denise C.
Somerville, MA