Comments for Learning to Hear

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Produced by Bente Birkeland

Other pieces by Salt Institute for Documentary Studies

Summary: Hearing for the first time with Cochlear Implants.

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Review of Learning to Hear

Yet another great piece from Salt! This exploration of deafness and CI is a great introduction. I think a great follow up piece could be about deaf culture and the evaporation thereof should CI become widely successful. Deaf identity, which the producer has so expertly indtroduced us to, is absolutely facinating and important for the hearing world to understand.

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Review of Learning to Hear

This is an interesting story for me, having some hearing loss. I also have a young girl living in my house who is deaf. As the world of the deaf is revealed to me, I have found the Cochlear Implant question is controversial. Through this piece, I understand much more about the topic.

This piece hit on that controversy at the end, how the deaf community cherishes their language and cohesiveness. It is also packed with information about "learning to hear" after the implant and about how deaf people who come to hear have to grasp their newfound situation. This piece is well-written and produced. This is a good all-around informational piece for everyone.

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Review of Learning to Hear

A good, solid report. A variety of voices and thoughts laden with important information. Often stories from the deaf community aren't done because of the difficulty to report the stories. We hear from a deaf woman who can talk to us about the issues facing her. What's missing for me is the political and practical controversy in the deaf community about the cochlear implants for children and in general for adults. The implants don't often work. And when they do, the sound can be similiar to being underwater at best. Many in the deaf community question why one would need them and how this operation might remove them from the deaf community. Otherwise, this is good work from a new producer and a plus to any station's news magazine.