Comments for RN Documentary: The Music of Lutes and Harps

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Produced by Marijke van der Meer

Other pieces by Radio Netherlands Worldwide

Summary: The first generation of children born under China?s one-child policy have reached adulthood and have their own, new views of family life.

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Review of RN Documentary: The Music of Lutes and Harps

Great subject for a story on the impact China's one-child policy has had on life and social norms of the families.

Vignettes of now-grown children of this policy are powerful -- at times melancholy, at time humorous. Which just underscores the fact that this policy cannot be judged as a negative or a positive.

There were statements made by the narrator/reporter which I wished were fleshed out a bit. Such as how the policy has impacted design of cars, divorce and filial piety. She does go into great detail on the latter two but makes it seem that these are inherent in only-child households/families. They are not.

Filial piety is part of the Chinese culture and tradition, regardless of the number of children.

I am impressed that the reporter/producer included such a wide range of voices, particularly on such a touchy subject for many Asians.