Comments for Selling the Statehouse

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Produced by Tanya Ott

Other pieces by Tanya Ott

Summary: From 1995 to 2004, companies and special interest groups spent nearly a billion dollars lobbying state legislators, and that number may actually be much higher, because eight states don't track overall spending on lobbying.

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Review of Selling the Statehouse

Brave Expose!

I appreciate this kind of revealing reporting! The conclusion has a great punch!

Now what I would like to see is a lot of stations carry and produce more of this kind of real public-radio reporting. Too much of today's politics is done behind closed doors against the public interests!

Probably only the more saavy will read between the lines of those interviewed in this report who said that a meal will not buy or influence a vote. I am very happy the producer of this report had the courage to run that man's comment in his own voice and words -- his publicly-shared deception gave me a good laugh and encouraged my hope in your conclusion that the closed-door voting and back-room dealings will eventually have to be reported -- along with all lobbying expenses, not just those under $250.

Thanks for this. Be careful you don't get yourself shot by some of these ''good folk'' from the lobbying and political arena.