Comments for The Well-Rounded Radio Interview with Múm

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Produced by Charles McEnerney

Other pieces by Charles McEnerney

Summary: In-depth interview with Iceland's Múm

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Review of The Well-Rounded Radio Interview with Múm

As a Program Director of a large network I would have a hard time placing this program on the air. I also don’t think it would fit on a more adventuresome music stream aimed at 20-30 year olds. I applaud the effort to present new and varied music to listeners and he’s obvious the host is a big fan of Mum. I can tell he put a lot of effort into the interview and its production. That said, to me it sounded a tad crunchy, the music fought with the narrative and the narrative itself was rather ready. I listened to about 10 minutes of the program and knew I had heard enough. I am not in the demographic that this program is aimed at and neither are the present audiences that I program to. So I’m basing this review more on a personal reaction to the piece and the production approach that I’m most familiar with.

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Make room for Múm

I almost hesitate to make any critical statements about a program that is trying to expose public radio audiences to the music of Múm. Instead, I would prefer to simply praise the effort to expand the scope of music on public radio and leave it at that. However, I believe that this type of adventurous musical programming is so desperately needed that I will risk potentially distracting the ears of a few PD's in the hopes that this could become a stronger addition to my public airwaves.

Some folks in the radio world may look at a program like this and draw the rather myopic coclusion that a feature such as this "may be more useful to AAA stations and college stations which focus on contemporary music and approach it with a broad palate and wide musical view." To me, however, this seems a strong recipe for making sure public radio stations have no audience in the future. It's essential for stations to think long term in their programming and start cultivating younger listeners... maybe kids in college would be a good demographic to start looking at? I don't know... I'm not a PD...

Anyway, there are some very interesting sections of this interview and Kristín Valtysdóttir's scattershot English creates some downright dreamy poetic landscapes - not unlike the music of her band. Unfortunately, not all of this interview is interesting. I think it may be particularly challenging for audiences (arguably most audiences at this point) who have never heard of the band to stay focused on the piece as it is. What might make this piece even more challenging for random listeners is never really getting the opportunity to have a full composition from the band unfold in front of them - something that during the course of the 30m feature may have been quite helpful. I think an extremely strong feature would emerge from some careful editing and the addition of an opportunity for listeners to absorb an entire song. I think that something in the 7-12m range would be quite fantastic for most listeners, maybe something short enough to leave them dazzled by the combination punch of Kristín Valtysdóttir's statements and the generally mesmerizing style of Múm's music. To complete the 30m perhaps a seperate feature on other Icelandic music or an altogether different artist would make for a unique package... the billboarding of the next feature may also help keep listeners around if they aren't swept away by the lush sounds of this isolated quartet.

On a strictly technical note, there seemed to be some inconsistant monitoring of levels in the piece... nothing severe, but I did at times feel as though the music in the background was fighting with the interview. Additionally, the quality of the reviewers voice during the "Well Rounded Rave" segment sounded a little on the Radio Shack side of things to my ear. And, for the most part, I was a little confused at first as to what the segment was all about. It could probably benefit from a more expansive intro.

Overall, however, I think the most important suggestion I could possibly make to Mr. McEnerney would be this:

Please keep going! You're doing important work to expand the public radio audience and I for one greatly appreciate it.