Comments for Death In Juarez

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Produced by Kathy Golden

Other pieces by Voices of Our World

Summary: Femicide...the term for killing women. What is the root cause of violence towards women?

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Review of Death In Juarez

Near the beginning of this piece a priest living in Juarez says in a drol manner "This is not a nice place." And as this programme unfolds one realises how much of an understatement this is.
All the information you need to know about the content is written in the accompanying material. It is simply put together but the strength of this programme is in the choice of interviewees. They are very eloquent and give a thorough idea of what's happening in Juarez and why. Why are so many women being murdered and the killers seem to be perpetrating them with impunity.
This is a very thought provoking programme and well worth playing although you'd have to check whether it's still contemporaneous since it was made more than two years ago. For exmaple, at one stage someone says that Vincente Fox is the president. He no longer is.