Comments for Cigarette? Try The Candy Aisle

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Produced by Rachel Heasly

Other pieces by Blunt Youth Radio Project

Summary: The 1998 "Master Settlement Agreement" was supposed to stop cigarette companies from marketing to kids. So why are those Marlboros right next to the Snickers bars? Rachel Heasly Investigates.

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Review of Cigarette? Try The Candy Aisle

Our reporter, Rachel Heasly, takes us through a topic that we've all become quite complacent about. Cigarettes being marketed to minors. From the 1998 "Master Settlement Agreement" to a local convenience store, she delves into the world of under-the-radar marketing. Her voice is authoritative and clear when she speaks, and we have no doubt that Heasly knows what she is speaking about. However, a more conversational and casual tone would help draw in the listeners and guide them along through the story. My main beef with this story is that it is just Heasly talking when she talks about going into the convenience store I want to step into the store with her ( let's hear footsteps, the bell on the door jingling), but mostly I think this and future stories could benefit fro the addition of interviews. Other voices make a story believable, more intersesting and more newsy.

But, I have to say that this isn't a topic that I've seen covered much in radio, and Heasly successfully shows us a problem that we've come to ignore. I would love to hear this story expanded.

Matthew Terrell
Youth Editorial Board