Comments for B-Side: Clues

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Produced by Tamara Keith, Rene Gutel, John Tynan, Rob Sachs

Other pieces by B-Side Radio

Summary: B-Side's Tamara Keith plays "Clue" with a couple of friends as we explore mysteries and clues.

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Review of B-Side: Clues

A half hour of features centered on a single theme, this time drawing conclusions from clues. If my memory's correct, this is the same format as Soundprint, a program I haven't heard in ages. This is my first time checking out B-Side and I'm trying soooooo hard to avoid comparisons to This American Life but, sorry, it just can't be avoided. There's even an Ira in this episode, in the linking segments where the game of Clue is played. It's not Mr. Glass, though. So: I found B-Side to be TAL squished into half the time with shorter stories that aren't quite as compelling and no music.

The final two stories, about a man with an interesting family situation and a strange roadside attraction, really drew me in but let me down at the end by stopping just a bit short of answering all the questions which came to my mind. Perhaps I'll give other episodes of B-Side a listen one of these days but this episode didn't drive me to seek more right away.