Comments for The U.S. Social Forum and How it Inspired Me to Create Change

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Produced by Lucia Martinez

Other pieces by KUNM

Summary: 14 year old youth producer Lucia Martinez shares her commentary inspired by her recent experience at the 2007 U.S. Social Forum.

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Review of The U.S. Social Forum and How it Inspired Me to Create Change

While not perfect, this piece deserves a lot more than one star! (And attacking a piece without defending your argument leaves little room for a review to be taken seriously)

I wish I that I had the earnesty that this 14 year old young woman has. For such a young reporter, she brings a lot of quality to her writing and reading.

Firstly, the way that this was written was incredible. The listener is easily guided along, all the while being slyly inspired by our speaker to make positive change. The language was concise and vivid -- which makes for good radio.

Secondly, she sounds like she actually believes what she is saying! With practice I think this reporter can go far.

Moving on to my constructive criticism:

What is up with the weird pauses mid thought? There were a few spots that seemed to break the flow of the piece.

And, most importantly, I think the ideas in here could be more developed. Granted, it is amazing that such a young reporter can be cognizant of such heavy material. BUT the ideas herein aren't anything new. Yes, the terrible matters of war and civil liberties need to be reminded to us... but how can you show it to us in a new way? Shock us, say something we wouldn't expect. This is inspiring, but more unique ideas would make it a stronger piece.

Keep up the good work.

Matthew Terrell
Youth Editorial Board