Comments for Award-winning Tree Farmer Emphasizes Careful Planning

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Summary: Tree Farmer Recognized for Conservation Efforts

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Review of Award-winning Tree Farmer Emphasizes Careful Planning

I'm on the fence with this piece. I think that there is an outstanding piece inside it, but it needs re-editing to get it there.

It is very informational on a topic that doesn't get a whole lot of coverage -- tree farming. David Klatt and his subject slowly plod through the industry and strive to show us a world that we might not be aware of. However, it goes so slow that I get lost in the point of this story.

Is it the award? Challenges of tree farming? The man himself? A shorter, more focused story would really shine here.

The use of ambient sound is good -- it makes you feel like you really are out in the forest, right up against nature. However, the way that the sound carries on during the voiceovers gets a little grating.

Klatt is a thoughtful and well spoken narrator, but I think he could sound a bit more sincere. I just didn't feel like he connected enough with the story.

All in all, a great youth-produced piece. Klatt shows a lot of promise as a producer and storyteller, and I think this piece is just the beginning.

Matthew Terrell
Youth Editorial Board