Comments for Curiosity Aroused Pilot

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Produced by Rebecca Watson, Richard Paul

Other pieces by Rebecca Watson

Summary: Looking at the world from a skeptical perspective

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Review of Curiosity Aroused Pilot

love the idea of an ongoing show dedicated to skepticism. Entertaining and informative.

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Review of Curiosity Aroused Pilot

This is the best of PRX's TQ bunch. Rebecca is a natural. Program has an authentic, spontaneous feel. Music is well chosen -- lends a fresh hip-ness. The Q&A are a bit canned sounding...somewhat overproduced. Best to let this gal roam free, as she's got the chops. Here's to mo' Radio-Powered-Boston. Hey Rebecca! Join AIR... we're just up the road!

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Review of Curiosity Aroused Pilot

Nice job, great tone, wonderful ideas and guests. Well done with great approaches to topics in a thoughtful way. I can not wait to hear it picked up and regularly produced.

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Review of Curiosity Aroused Pilot

Outstanding and refreshing! Ms Watson, with Curiosity Aroused, delivers much needed and long overdue journalistic skepticism with intelligence, heart and humor.

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Review of Curiosity Aroused Pilot

An absolute gem of a show. Not only is it an antidote to the post-modernist rantings of nonsense we get on radio regularly. It has a humorous and friendly air, along with hard-nosed fact finding - as every real journo-host should do.
I'm not sure about the review mentioning religion, as the is no mention of it in the show. Only psychics, psychology and health scares.
More thought provoking programmes like this please!

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Review of Curiosity Aroused Pilot

Original and thought provoking.
The radio needs more shows like this.
Rebecca's voice and delivery sounded very friendly and personal.
I am not sure where the other reviewer got the anti-religious impression from. The only "anti-" I got from this show was Anti sloppy thinking.

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Review of Curiosity Aroused Pilot

Loved it! I hope Ann Arbor picks this up, so I can hear the next episodes :)

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Review of Curiosity Aroused Pilot

My daughters (teenagers) actually listened to the entire program. Now for the past 2 days we actually TALKED about the things we heard. I then brought it into my classroom and played parts of it for my students. They had MORE questions and wanted to know when there would be MORE shows.

I enjoyed it. But my kids LOVE it. And they actually ended up with something to talk to ADULTS about! So when I put on NPR on my car radio, the kids aren't going to bug me to "change it!" if this show is on. GOOD!

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Review of Curiosity Aroused Pilot

We need a bit of scepticism today with all the psychics, alternative medicines etc. available today, especially on the internet. This show appears to addressing this need. Great show, hope to hear more of it.

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Review of Curiosity Aroused Pilot

Funny for a one-off show aimed at anti-religious audiences or take a farcical approach to spirituality and health. Risky, challenging show on popular belief and attacks mainstream support for psychics, religion, homeopathy and spiritualism with aggressively cynical style. Good choice of guests who make the show authoritative.