Comments for EQ Segment: Halal Chicken at French KFC

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This piece belongs to the series "RN EuroQuest: Public Radio's Weekly European Journal"

Produced by Radio Netherlands

Other pieces by Radio Netherlands Worldwide

Summary: French Muslims are launching alternatives to perceived American products including Halal Fried Chicken and Mecca Cola

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Review of EQ Segment: Halal Chicken at French KFC

Astonishing story. A subject I knew absolutely nothing about - Mecca Cola and Halal (a muslim slaughtered) Chicken. I love EQ for this very reason. It's a double whammy of a story so pay attention. It's got food, economy, culture, religion and politics - in 4 minutes.
Perfect for Marketplace.

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Review of EQ Segment: Halal Chicken at French KFC

Fascinating topic on so many levels: food, politics, culture shifts, global economy, animals... I don't hear enought of this stuff in the US.

Great editing and environmental situating. Super tight and sharp.

Would love to hear a longer piece on this topic. Umm, makes me hungry for more info. whilst reminding me what an alienated relationship many of us have to food...