Comments for La Llorona: An Evolving Myth

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This piece belongs to the series "Making Contact"

Produced by National Radio Project

Other pieces by Making Contact

Summary: On this edition we hear the story of La Llorona (the weeping woman)-- a story that's been told since the time of the Spanish conquest, all over Mexico and the American Southwest. Today, wherever Mexicans and Mexican-Americans live, the myth continues.


As a Norteamericano, I can't help but thinking of the Susan Smith and Andrea Yates cases when I hear about La Llorona. It almost makes me wonder if there wasn't some historical Llorona who actually lived once, centuries or perhaps millennia ago, and that maybe, just maybe, there is the tiniest real-life grain of fact beneath all the myth and legend? Of course, we'll never know, but it's interesting to speculate on.