Comments for Blues File: Macavine Hayes

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This piece belongs to the series "Blues File"

Produced by Jonny Meister

Other pieces by WXPN

Summary: Review of Macavine Hayes's album "Drinkhouse" and a look at the rural blues of the southeastern states through this artist & album.

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Review of Blues File: Macavine Hayes

Johnny Meister generally has the warm familiarity that gives one the sense he knows what he is talking about and leads the listener to trust his assessment of the featured artists. In this case the musician is of such a high caliber that it is not a hard sell. I'm sad to say I haven't heard of this blues master, but after hearing this review I want to hear more. Most importantly this review does what all good reviews do, it situates the musician in a genre/tradition and tells the listener how the artist's work presents a unique contribution to that tradition.

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Review of Blues File: Macavine Hayes

Very well done. Professional view. Very nice voice modulation and the mixing is also ver good.