Comments for Just Dance!

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Other pieces by Alaska Teen Media Institute

Summary: ATMI had people leave messages on Google Voice. "What makes you move" was the question, and here are some of the responses!!

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just dance

I like to dance/flail around to Lady Gaga. Why? Because that's what it takes for me to bust out my Asian girl moooooooovvvvvvves.

In all seriousness, Just Dance! is a fun piece. People from all ages answer the seemingly easy question: What songs makes you want to dance? There were some unexpected answers, including Broken Social Scene (sexy?), Whitney Houston (no shame in guilty pleasures), and my personal fav Bootylicious by Destiny's Child. If only I had Beyonce's booty...

Just Dance! is a fun listen and you won't regret the 3 minutes it'll take for a you to start smiling and dancing.