Comments for Biggest Conflict in the World?

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Produced by ariana tabaku and paola encarnacion

Other pieces by Tiger Radio

Summary: Tiger Radio producers Ariana Tabaku and Paola Encarcion hit the streets of DC to find out what people think is the biggest conflict in the world.

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"Biggest Conflict in the World Review"

The piece "Biggest Conflict in the World" by Tiger Radio talks about a variety of conflicts that the world faces today. They interview a number of people, who give many different responses. The question they ask about the biggest conflict in the world is strong because everybody has an opinion on it. However, they did not ask people from a variety of backgrounds. As a result, while we agreed with many of the issues addressed, we disagreed with others and were even completely in the dark to some. For example, global warming was an issue that many people in the piece brought up, yet many of us did not know much about it. Another example is war in the Middle East. These are both serious issues that we should and will learn more about. Overall, we thought the piece was informative, thought provoking and important for us to hear.