Comments for Banking Translated

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Produced by Youth Radio and Mayra Jimenez

Other pieces by Youth Radio

Summary: Youth Radio’s Mayra Jimenez reports on the role of young people translating financial transactions for their immigrant parents.

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Review for Banking Translated

We never really come to think about the struggles that people who do not speak English face. Most people always think “Oh well they must be fine their kid knows how to speak English.” I myself, have been through a couple experiences like Mayra, and I think it’s incredible how she thought of creating a piece talking about a subject that is never really noticed. Her piece is unique in the way she set it up. First she discusses about her personal experience, then she has another person speak about their personal experience which makes it easy for the audience to understand the topic. Mayra’s tone is incisive, the length of the piece is great she talks about a’ lot of important points in a couple of minutes. She starts off right away with an important key point, everything flows just perfectly fine. Overall the piece is very interesting not only because she speaks about a subject that is never really spoken about or really heard about but also because of the way she set it up.

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Banking Translated

I associate banking with adults. I remember tagging along with my mom to the local bank and stuffing myself full of the free candy while she deposited checks and did other “grown up” activities. I always assumed that my experiences were typical, which is why I was surprised to hear Mayra Jimenez’s piece, Banking Translated. While I was busy sampling every lollipop flavor available, Mayra was translating monetary transactions for her immigrant parents, who didn’t speak English. She approaches language brokering from all perspectives, interviewing academics as well as other young language brokers like herself. This is a perfect example of radio minimalism. Marya doesn’t bog us down with unnecessary music beds or superfluous interviews, instead developing two storylines with fast paced scripting and lead ins. Banking Translated is a simple piece – Mayra manages to express embarrassment, guilt, and appreciation in 3 and a half minutes – but she comes out with a powerful message: Everyone deserves a voice.