Comments for Downtown Portland

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Produced by Ashley Stoner

Other pieces by Pulse of Portland Music Project

Summary: This piece addresses some of Downtown Portland's negatives and how the positives outweigh them.

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Fresh tone, could go further

Ashley brings a fresh, relaxed, and unpretentious tone to this look at the city of Portland. She definitely succeeds in removing the stigma of danger from the city's downtown. I think that Ashley could have gone a little father with her feature, though. She could have talked with residents of downtown about cool stuff to do instead of listing activities herself. It also would have been helpful for listeners from outside Portland if Ashley had explained the danger stigma and its consequences on the city a little further. As it is, this piece is kind of hard to relate to for the majority of listeners.

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Review of "Downtown Portland"

Ashley had good enthusiasm in her voice throughout the piece. As a newcomer to the Portland area, I thought she had great suggestions of things to do in downtown Portland. The thing I would suggest to her about this piece is to really hone in on more of the specifics. What is the crime rate in downtown Portland? What areas are you talking about that people perceive as dangerous? What is Portland like compared to other cities in terms of crime and drug abuse? Could you describe a specific scenario where you had an interesting/fun/strange experience in downtown Portland? One other technical aspect that could be improved was smoother transitions between a few of the quotes and the voicing. Overall, interesting idea for a story!