Comments for Hustlers, Street Vendors, and Farmers

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Produced by Youth Radio and King Anyi Howell

Other pieces by Youth Radio

Summary: King Anyi Howell visits a farmer's market in Los Angeles aimed at attracting African American customers. The market wants to bring fresh produce to a neighborhood known for fast food restaurants.

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Urgent Request to reproduce podcast in College English multi-modal product

Dear Friends,
I am a freelance permissions consultant working for Bedford/St.Martin's in Boston. They would like to host the podcast, Hustlers, Street Vendors, and Farmers by King Anyi Howell in their College text called Understanding and Creating Multimodal Tests by DeVoss on their password protected site that is part of this print product.

Time is of the essense as we are at our deadline very shortly--will you be able to grant us permission to use the podcast? If so, I will send you a complete permissions letter for this product outlining the details. If a fee is involved please let us know the amount as well as your desired credit line.
Thank you so much!
Sheri Blaney-Nogg for Bedford / St. Martin's
SBN Research, Permissions Specialist 617-909-0030

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Awesome- all around

This is an inspiring piece! The voicing is authentic and interesting to listen to and the sound bites are tastefully chosen. The single critique I can offer is that the beginning is difficult to hear due to background sound effects. Generally though, the sound effects make the piece more sound intricate and adds another dimension.

The other successful aspect of this story is how well it paints a picture for the listener. This is a great topic and I hope more communities follow take the initiative to bring fresh food to the stomachs of locals.

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Hustlers, Street Vendors, and Farmers

I can't believe the producer is a youth! The professionalism of King Anyi Howell vocal presentation, scripting, and mixing would not be out of place on NPR. Howell flawlessly transitions from lead in to quote to information. He creates the ambiance of the Farmer's Market beautifully; I can easily imagine the shoppers walking through on a Sunday morning, trying to choose between vegetables. The actualities he gathers are crucial to the piece.

This piece isn't widely appealing. Howell doesn't interest me in LA's farmers market, and sometimes it's a little dry. Don't let the topic deter you because I think that everyone can learn from the seamless production of Hustlers, Street Vendors, and Farmers.