Comments for Dropping Out

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Other pieces by Littleglobe

Summary: Sam Pearson, a former high school student in Santa Fe, NM, discusses the reasons why he dropped out of school.

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great piece

We’ve all heard it: Don’t drop out of high school. You’ll regret it in five years after getting a food service job seems hard, and that’s already considered Making It. Sam, from Sam Drops Out, left high school to pursue what he calls “stuff that actually means something.” The piece reeks of teenage idealism. Sam starts with “I could have been Einstein” and ends with the time worn “I wanted to find myself.” The entire 2 and half minutes, I couldn’t help but feel jealous. You can’t help but admire Sam for his audacity. He’s done the one thing that most people search for until the grave – he made the leap and started living for himself.

This winter he’s going to be a snowboarding instructor, next year he might be in college, or he might be making pottery in South America. And if that isn’t an enviable lifestyle, I don’t know what is.