Comments for Robert K. Elder interview, author, Last Words of the Executed

Caption: Last Words of the Executed by Robert K. Elder

This piece belongs to the series "Mr. Media Radio Interviews-Nonfiction Authors"

Produced by Bob Andelman

Other pieces by Bob Andelman

Summary: Elder collected the final words of American serial killers, psychopaths and more. The book has an introduction by the late journalist Studs Terkel.

The interview was fine, but I've got just one small nitpick...

It seems both interviewer and interviewee in this piece rely a little too much on "y'know" as a conversational space-filler at times. Hearing, y'know, the phrase "y'know" repeatedly can get a little, y'know... tiresome. Sometimes I'd rather hear a few "uhhhs" or "hmmms" thrown in than too many, y'know... y'knows.

I'm just trying to be constructive in my criticism, albeit over a tiny and unimportant issue. In some ways I feel like a fraud when I type critiques here, since I personally have never produced anything or done much at all with my writing. I'm always the diner and never the chef... y'know?