Comments for "I Still Love Him...Oh Well."

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Produced by Adriana Martinez and Curie Youth Radio

Other pieces by Curie Youth Radio

Summary: The struggle to accept that your parent didn't put you first.

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Review of "I Still Love Him...Oh Well."

Adriana Martinez's piece "I Still Love Him...Oh Well" explores father - daughter relationships informing listeners that fathers are an irreplaceable part of a girl's life. Adriana tells listeners about her father and how he chose to pursue money over love for his daughter and wife. This decision had permanent consequences, and now in jail for drug dealing, he not only lost his freedom but also his daughter. Adriana reminisces on the absence of her father at her National Honor Society induction and how she missed his presence. This induction was an important part of her life because it marked her academic achievements and her father's absence profoundly affected her. But Adriana learns to get by; she adapts to her new life without a father and understands that that was solely his choice. In the end, she admits that he will always be her father and even though he chose drugs over her, she still loves him simply because he is her dad.

Adriana's clear voice carries the weight of her emotions surrounding her family situation pulling listeners into her raw feelings. Furthermore, her words touch on a very sensitive topic making this piece something everyone, and especially fathers and daughters, should hear.

Things to Notice: While Adriana Martinez's pure voice conveys the emotions associated with her father's absence, I think that some soft music could have enhanced this piece and helped tell the story.

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Review of "I Still Love Him...Oh Well."

This piece really touched me because I can relate so much to this girl's story. Thats probably why this piece was a bit emotional for me because I can relate to what she's saying. When she says that she was always a Daddy's girl and that she loved her father more than her mom...that's exactly how I used to feel before my parent's got divorced. This piece maybe could have been more engaging if it had maybe some sort of music to it, but without the music it was still good. I love how the speaker has shown that she is a strong person and has learned to love her father despite what he's put her through, and I guess that's how I feel as well.