Comments for "And I Walked..." Stories from the Border

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Produced by Ann Heppermann and Kara Oehler

Other pieces by Ann Heppermann

Summary: "And I walked" combines voices of border crossers, U.S. Border Patrol, and the haunting words of author Charles Bowden to highlight the plight of those who risk their lives in search of the American dream.

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Review of "And I Walked..." Stories from the Border

The news in states sharing a border with Mexico will include a stat you don't hear in Montana or Maine -- the current year-to-date death toll of attempted, futile and eventually fatal border crossing attempts. That's the backdrop of this piece about Mexicans crossing illegally, often not making it. There are lots of voices and some good sound. Obvious focuses are on immigration, Mexico-US relations and borders, the piece could fit nearly any human nature or human versus nature theme.

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Review of "And I Walked..." Stories from the Border

How to translate voices speaking in another language without awkward voiceovers? How to convey meaning when listeners don't speak the same language as your subject? This piece solves that eternal public radio problem artfully, with Bowden's descriptions and gently overlapped voices in Spanish.

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Review of "And I Walked..." Stories from the Border

One of the short docs commissioned by the Third Coast Festival on the subject of "thirst."
"Wets" are the name given to the Mexicans illegally crossing the desert between Tucson and Mexico. Author Charles Bowden provides a poetic, spare commentary which also includes haunting interviews with border crossers about the experience of walking 30, 40, 60 miles in the blistering sun and heat.
I'm thirsting to hear all of these pieces presented together. Could work nicely in summer.