Comments for Levon Helm Rambles Home: An Appreciation (58:00 / 53:00)

Caption: Levon Helm

Produced by Paul Ingles

Other pieces by Paul Ingles

Summary: A one-hour music and commentary show about the late musician Levon Helm, drummer for the seminal Rock and Roll Hall of Fame group The Band, and a revered solo artist. Helm died April 19, 2012 at the age of 71 from a recurrance of throat cancer that had threatened his life as far back as 1997.

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Rock on, Paul and Levon!

Lovely tribute. So glad we have this piece to celebrate Levon. It says so much more than a cursory news piece. Thank you, Paul.

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Typically sensitive, comprehensive and loving tribute

As always, Paul seems to be jacked into the mainstream of why America's musical artists have changed our lives.

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Thank you

Great piece, Paul. Thank you for allowing me to be part of it.