Comments for The Face of White Collar Crime

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Produced by Adam Allington

Other pieces by Adam Allington

Summary: What really happens to white collar criminals when they go away to prison

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Make this a series!

Its really good, but as mentioned above, this topic needs to be expanded upon.

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Review of The Face of White Collar Crime

I really enjoyed this piece. It is entirely too short to adequately deal with the subject matter at hand. There must be more to this piece to properly complete it. As is it is great as a Morning Edition bit or something like that. I feel that if it were fleshed out it would outstanding on This American Life - a true blow away segment given our current ethic scandals in business and goverment. Maybe a pairing with an interview from someone who was in government who was a crook? Just an idea.

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Review of The Face of White Collar Crime

This piece takes you inside, quickly but pretty deeply, the mind and experience of a "white collar" criminal. It's really good, one of the better pieces I've heard about white collar crime. Mark Morze was a CFO convicted of various kinds of fraud and sent to prison for 8 years. Now he's out, and this piece takes you back to how he got in trouble, and why, and the pretty thin line that he crossed (that "one" crosses) when "one" goes from being a legit business person to a criminal. Some of the best parts of the piece are when Mark is talking about what it was like to be in prison, how the other prisoners viewed the "white collar" guys. Mark says, even when he went to prison he did not see himself as a criminal, but the other prisoners showed him that he is a thief, because he did what they did, "lied to people and took their money." This is a very thoughtful, very engaging piece. Listen and see if you can find a place for it.