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Playlist: Julia Meek's Portfolio

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Folktale of Caution

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 01:00:00

Beware! we foresee obstacles, danger and pitfalls around every bend--so do consider musical prevention, with a listen to the Folktale of Caution

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_caution_verse_small “Don't ever take a fence down until you know why it was put up.” That bit of cautionary advice comes from Robert Frost, and opens the door to Pandora’s Box, you might say, for musical reminders of what may happen if you don’t heed those wise words.

We're armed with musical protection, and sage advice this edition of Folktales, as we travel the Americas, Europe and Africa, and hopping a few islands along the way. Featured artists are The Jug Huffers, John Whelan & Friends, Bob Dylan, the Louisiana Swamp Cats, Mary Youngblood, the Robin Nolan Trio, Joe Euro and more.

So: Buyers—and listeners-- beware! You don’t know what’s around that next corner, so look both ways, watch your backs, and join us for this red-flagged Folktale of Caution!

Folktale of Communication

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

According to Chip Heath: “The first problem of communication is getting people's attention.” If we may have yours, this episode 'transmits' a sampling from a world of good music for, from and about social media--ancient to modern!

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_communication_verse_small Communication skills are an ancient pursuit, and this folktale's reception is tuned in to musical missives and messages on a global network. You'll hear news reports from piazza, harbor. outback & more...review a folkworld of devices, from 'Drum Talk' to 'Incan Messenger' to 'A Monkey with a Typrewiter'

Featured musician/reporters include Beppe Gambetta, Loggins & Messina, The Jolly Boys, David Fanshawe, Chet Atkins & Tommy Emanuel, Outback, Obo Ade, Pillars of Society and more.  It's a direct dial to a transcontinental array of music & thoughts with a text message you won't want to miss. Be sure to make the connection; as Guy de Maupassant noted: “It is the encounters with people that make life worth living.” 

Folktale of Relationships

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

According to Nietzsche, "Invisible threads are the strongest ties"--hear where they lead and what they sound like on this week's Folktale of Relationships.


Are relationships an art or a science? Carl Jung maintained that “The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances: if there is any reaction, both are transformed.” That’s the theory we’re pondering in every corner of the musical folkworld, this edition, as we explore their ins and outs, be they romantic, familial, friend or foe.

Armed w/ wise words and a world of good music, we're traveling the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia. Our featured artists include Ted Yoder, Rosaling & the Way, Bob Dylan, Calicante, KelsiCote, Anoushka Shankar & Norah Jones, Sultans of String, Coolangubra and more. It’s all about the bonding—and we’re hoping you’ll make the connection. 


Folktale of Going Nowhere

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:58

A dead-end street is a good place to turn around--and that's the musical direction this week's edition of Folktales is headed--ready to follow along?


As American novelist, Ellen Glasgow reminds us, "The only difference between a rut and a grave are the dimensions." So if you are feeling bogged down and buried, with wheels spinning and dead ends at every turn, this this Folktale just may provide a musical way out!

We're tracking wise words, and timely tunes across the Americas, through Europe, and into Africa, India and Australia. Our musical offerings feature Peter Lang, Tom Russell, Bob Dylan, the Incredible String Band, Yas-Kaz, Archie Roach, Micky Hart, Anoushka Shankar and more.

Ready for a chance to step bravely, and surely forward in a better direction? Stop back-paddling, tune in, and get going…with us!

Folktale of Superlatives

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:58

We all want the "bests' in life, and this week's Folktale is heading for the musical summit--we challenge you can step up to the plate with this "Superlative" edition!


How much of your life is spent going for the gold? Let’s face it—we all love to be #1 at times, and it’s those heights we’re reaching for on this stellar edition of Folktales. Armed with the wisest of word, and finest of musical offerings, we’re spanning the globe for accolades old and new.

Our featured artists include Roy Hall & His Blue Ridge Entertainers, Paul McCartney w/ Steve Martin & the Steep Caanyon Rangers, Bruce Springsteen, Lief Sorbye, Matteo Salvatore, Ray Kane, Bob Marley & the Wailers, Ravi & Anoushka Shankar, and more. According to H. Jackson Brown, “The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.” Hope you can make it to the top with us for this Folktale of Superlatives!

Folktale of Transportation

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

On this week's episode, we're on the go, and test-driving a world of good music, so buckle up and get moving! We're ready to roll, with the Folktale of Transportation.


As US transportation entrepreneur Robin Chase maintains, “Transportation is the center of the world! It is the glue of our daily lives.” And that’s the route this Folktale is ready to ride. Armed with a toolbox full of wise words, and multiple musical manuals, we’re giving our feet a break, and taking a vehicular tour of folkworlds old and new, around the global thoroughfare. 
Featured musicians include Brooks Williams, Sally Rogers & Claudia Schmidt, Northern Lights, Beausoleil, Leonard Kwan, Babatunde Olatunji, the Silk Road Ensemble, Jesse Cook and more. Safe travels, happy trails, and get ready to roll on our Folktale of Transportation.

Folktale of Golden Slumbers

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:58

According to Elizabethan poet, Thomas Dekker, "Sleep is the golden chain that ties our health and our bodies together"...we're following the sandman around the very musical 'land of Nod' this edition, designed expressly for sweet dreams--and dreamers!

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_golden_slumbers_verse_small "Oh sleep! It is a gentle thing, beloved from pole to pole!" Samuel Taylor Coleridge said it, and that's the 'pillow talk' this Folktale chases around the musical globe, w/ sleep songs, cradle melodies, dream scapes and 'quotational' sleep aids from bedtimes far and near--including Ameican, European, Asian and African musical modes.

Featured artists include Kim Robertson, Liz Knowles, Elle/The Remnant, Lettstick Band, Liu Xing, Anindo, and of course, the Beatles. So say calm...and be ready to ease into our musically mesmerising folkworld of Golden Slumbers.

Folktale of Imagination

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 01:00:00

Suspend your disbelief for an hour, and join us for this most musically imaginative Folktale!

Ft_weekly-fb___prx_imagination_verse_small Some folks say imaginiation is the highest kite one can fly. Whether your creative visualization reaches that far or not, we're taking an audio tour of the topic in this episode that includes the Americas, Europe, and beyond, visiting folkworlds ancient and modern! Musicians include Al Petteway, Bob Dylan, elle/The Remnant, Uzca, Evren Ozan, Oojami and more. Hope you'll suspend your disbelief and join us for the Folktale of imagination.   

Folktale of the 4 Elements

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:57

Earth, water, fire & air--these are the "spiritual essences" this week's Folktale tracks, in the finest of musical tradition!


According to 5th century BC philosopher Empedocles, "A
ll matter is comprised of four "roots" or elements of earth, air, fire and water"--and that's the elemental make up of this powerful edition. We're experiencing those 'building bricks' through musical customs, ancient to modern, from the Americas, 
Europe, Africa & Asia--featuring Arvel Bird, the Incredible String Band, Fortaleza, Outback, the Latvian Women's Choir, Nigel Kennedy and more--hope you can join us! 

Folktale of the 4 Elements

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:57

Earth, water, fire & air--these are the "spiritual essences" this week's Folktale tracks, in the finest of musical tradition!


According to 5th century BC philosopher Empedocles, "A
ll matter is comprised of four "roots" or elements of earth, air, fire and water"--and that's the elemental make up of this powerful edition. We're experiencing those 'building bricks' through musical customs, ancient to modern, from the Americas, 
Europe, Africa & Asia--featuring Arvel Bird, the Incredible String Band, Fortaleza, Outback, the Latvian Women's Choir, Nigel Kennedy and more--hope you can join us! 

Folktale of the 4 Elements

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:57

Earth, water, fire & air--these are the "spiritual essences" this week's Folktale tracks, in the finest of musical tradition!


According to 5th century BC philosopher Empedocles, "A
ll matter is comprised of four "roots" or elements of earth, air, fire and water"--and that's the elemental make up of this powerful edition. We're experiencing those 'building bricks' through musical customs, ancient to modern, from the Americas, 
Europe, Africa & Asia--featuring Arvel Bird, the Incredible String Band, Fortaleza, Outback, the Latvian Women's Choir, Nigel Kennedy and more--hope you can join us! 

Folktale of Recreation

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

As most folks know, play time is serious business! For a musical assessment of maximizing the fun in YOUR life, please join us for the Folktale of Recreation!

Ft_weekly-fb__prx_recreation_verse_small To borrow a notion from Jimmy Buffet, "Fun is about as good a habit as there is", and this week on Folktales, we aim to have us some! It's a downtime tour of musical customs and wise words that highlights leisurely pastimes from the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Sunny Caribbean.

'Refreshments' are being served up by Edgar Meyer, Bela Fleck & Mike Marshall, John McCutcheon, Kostadin Genchev, Perry Silverbird, Inkuyo, David Fanshawe, Toure Kunda, Miriam Makeba, Malcolm Dalglish and more. So kick back, take it easy, and get ready for the fun to begin!

Folktale of Poverty

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:57

This week's Folktale puts the musical focus on need--and hardship around the globe.

Ft_weekly-fb___prx_poverty_verse_small As 17th c. historian, Thomas Fuller observed: "Poor men's reasons are not heard"...but on this edition, their music will be--and it tells a most powerful tale. Our journey takes us through the Americas, Europe, Haiti and Africa this week, featuring varied words of wisdom on the topic, and musical reflections from Eric Bibb, Patty Griffin, Woodie Guthrie, Seth & May, Marlui Miranda, Babatundi Olatunji, New Revelation, and more. Sure hope you can join us.

Folktale of the Dating Game

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

This week on Folktales, we're courting the do's & don'ts of the dating game--in the finest of musical traditions!

Ft_weekly_graphic_prx_square_dating_game_small As Mark Twain noted: "Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired"--easier said than done? Then be sure to tune in to this week's Folktale of The Dating Game--for wise words, and musical traditions to guide your way down that old tunnel of love! We'll be touring the Americas, Europe, Asia and Africa--and featuring the music of Evren Ozan, Dave Swarbrick, Paul Kelly, Keola Beamer, Harry Belafonte, Inkuyo and more. We'd LOVE for you to join us!

Folktale of Greetings

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:57

Hey there! It's Salutations, regards, and warm welcomes we're distributing this episode--so expect a most musical reception, on this Folktale of Greetings.

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_greetings_verse_small Ciao and G’day, mate! According to author, Terry Mark, "When you greet people with joy, you'll have shared your joy with them.: But--how do you do those "How do you do's? Well, HELLO! That's what this week's Folktale is all about, and we're tracking the best of "best regards" around the musical globe.

It's one socially significant tour, with stops in the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, and beyond. Our feature artists include Cindy Combs, Bob Dylan, The Carter Family, Dordán, Alphortrio Guldisberg, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, Ida Widawati & Lingkung Seni Malati, Hang Playing Hedge Monkeys, and more. So, Hey babe! You know you're welcome, and we hope you'll tune in and get acquainted!

Folktale of Tomorrows

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 01:00:00

Some say that your present thoughts are sharing your future experiences--How & why? Where & when? Look to the horizon, and join us for the Folktale of Tomorrows!

Ft_weekly-fb___prx_tomorrows_verse_small According to inventor Charles Kettering, "We should all be concerned about the future because we will have to spend the rest of our lives there."  This episode of Folktales takes a musical take on the topic of what tomorrows may bring--and why!

We're headed for musical customs and wise words around the Americas, through Europe, across Africa and into the Pacific for this tentative topic! Featured musicians include Phil Cooper & Susan Urban, Northern Lights, Tenores di Bitti, Barry Phillips, Inkuyo, Baka Beyond, Taj Majal, and more. Care to join us for the sneak preview?

Folktale of Motherhood

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:57

A mother's work is never done--and this week's Folktale celebrates the love, spirit and dedication of mothers, daughters & grandmothers around the world!

Ft_weekly-fb___prx_motherhood_verse_small “There's a story behind everything..but behind all your stories is always your mother's story..because hers is where yours begins.” (Mitch Albom) ...and that's the story we tell on this week's special Mothers Day edition, w/ a global tour of musical traditions, and wise words all in honor of motherhood. We're touring the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia & India, w/ heart felt tunes by Iris DeMent, Molly Brogan & the Distractions, Barry Phillips, Tenores Di Bitti, Keola Beamer & R. Carlos Nakai, Emeline Michele, Fortalesa and more. Enjoy your own day of celebration with--or as a mom, and be sure to catch this special tribute!

Folktale of Fatherhood

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

This week's edition of Folktales declares 'hats off'' to all the Paters, Pops and Patriarchs we know, with a world of good music!

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_fatherhood_verse_small "I don't care how poor a man is; if he has family, he's rich." (M*A*S*H, Colonel Potter) We're seconding that notion w/ this week's Folktales--and taking you on a tour of 'good dadditudes' around the globe. We'll be sharing wise words, and a wealth of music customs from the Americas, Europe, Africa, and hopping a few musical Islands--featuring music by David Seitz, Trapezoid, Simon & Garfunkle, William Gutierrez, Terra Folk, Obo Addy and more--so have a great Fathers Day celebration, and be sure to join us!

Folktale of Agriculture

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:56

It's fields & farmlands we're cultivating this week on Folktales, with a bountiful harvest of musical customs from every corner of the agrarian world! Take an hour to join us in a special sodbusters salute--with the Folktale of Agriculture.

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_agriculture_verse_small As they say in Ireland, "You'll never plant a field by turning it over in your mind." That's the rural wisdom this edition of Folktales is tending and tracking--through barnyards, pastures, fields & farmlonds across both Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, and beyond. Our featured musicians include Magpie, Woody Guthrie, Alison Krauss, Hakob Khalatian, Alphornquartett Dudingen, Inkuyo, Brazilian Cattle Ranchers, Taffetas, Keola Beamer and a bushel more. Hope you can join us--this week's Folktale of Agriculture is ripe--and ready to pick!

Folktale of Weddings

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 01:00:00

'Tis the season-- we have many musical knots to tie around that matrimonial hitching post on the Folktale of Weddings, and you are SO invited to attend!

Ft_weekly-fb___prx_weddings_verse_small According to American author, Gene Perret, "We have the greatest pre-nuptial agreement in the world--it's called love." Where that leads is what this Folktale is all about, and we're taking a celebratory tour of musical customs, and wise words for the occasion around the musical globe--from our own heartlands, through Europe, and on to Asia and Africa. Featured artists include the Acousticats, May Erlewine, Barry Phillips, Trio Mediaeval, Temaeva, Harry Belafonte, Golden Gate Gypsy Orchestra, the Bergamot and more. Here's hoping you'll say 'I do' to the Folktale of Weddings!

Folktale of Matrimony

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:58

This month, those wedding bells are ringing, world round, and don't look now, but on this week's matrimonial edition of Folktales, here comes the bride!

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_matrimony_verse_small "He that has the luck leads the bride to church." That's an old Dutch proverb, and this week on Folktales, we're featuring a bridal bouqet of musical customs and sentiment fit for a royal wedding. The musical aisle we're walking takes us through the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and beyond, for timeless words of wisdom and marital advice.

Featured artists include Michael Schwarte, Cooper & Nelson, the Mysterioius Voices of Bulgaria, Keola Beamer, Leiko, the Klezmatics, Hot Club De Norvege and more. So while you're contemplating your I Do's, I did's or I'm Gonna's, get ready for this celebratory Folktale of Matrimony.

Folktale of Matrimony

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:58

This month, those wedding bells are ringing, world round, and don't look now, but on this week's matrimonial edition of Folktales, here comes the bride!

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_matrimony_verse_small "He that has the luck leads the bride to church." That's an old Dutch proverb, and this week on Folktales, we're featuring a bridal bouqet of musical customs and sentiment fit for a royal wedding. The musical aisle we're walking takes us through the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia and beyond, for timeless words of wisdom and marital advice.

Featured artists include Michael Schwarte, Cooper & Nelson, the Mysterioius Voices of Bulgaria, Keola Beamer, Leiko, the Klezmatics, Hot Club De Norvege and more. So while you're contemplating your I Do's, I did's or I'm Gonna's, get ready for this celebratory Folktale of Matrimony.

Folktale of Time

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

Tennessee Williams said “Time is the longest distance between two places.” Take an hour to close that gap this week with the Folktale of Time.

Ft_weekly-fb___prx_time_verse_small Time Whether or not it’s on your side, time is, well, a timely issue, world round, and this week’s episode of Folktales is crossing International Time Zones and Datelines by the minute, just to prove it. It’s a self-winding tour, full of music and wise words on the topic, that takes us through the Americas, Europe, Africa, Asia, and beyond.

Our featured musicians include Joe Weed, The Goat's Beards, Eric Bibb, 2CELLOS, Finjan, Burning Sky and more.
So if you, like Dr. Seuss, tend to wonder “How did it get so late so soon?”—find out this week, on the Folktale of Time. 

Folktale of Summertime

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

It's beach blanket bingo and a world of seasonally significant music we're playing this week on the Folktale of Summertime!

Ft_weekly-fb___prx_summertime_verse_small In French folkworlds, it’s agreed that “A summer’s sun is worth the having,” and whether or not you agree, that’s the season of the day, and the spirit we’re celebrating this week, in the finest of musical traditions. Armed w/ wise words for the season, sunscreen & some summer reading, we'll be touring the musical customs of the Americas, Europe, Asia, Australia and beyone

Featured artists include John McCutcheon, Al Petteway, Inti Raymi, Fortaleza, Outback, The Endtime Spasm Band and more. It'a wide and wonderful road we're following, all in the name of fun in the summer sun, so grab a lemonade and be ready to get a little lazy, hazy 
and crazy with us!

Folktale of Misfortune

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

It's setbacks, hard knocks and obstacles of every sort we deal w/ on this Folktale of Misfortune--in the finest of musical perspectives. Ready for a reversal of fortune? Then be sure to join us!

Ft_weekly-fb__prx__misfortune_verse_small According to our wise old Uncle Remus: "You can't run away from trouble. There ain't no place that far." So this week on Folktales, we're looking for alternate solutions--around the musical globe. We'll be tracking tunes, and wise words across the Americas, through Europe and into near eastern and African traditions, averting bad luck, loss and painful lumps as we go. Featured artists include Steve Martin & the Steep Canyon Rangers, Clifton Chenier, Itzhak Perlman, Rua Port'Alba, Oliver Mtukudzi and more. so be prepared to turn your karma around, with our Folktale of Misfortune.

Folktale of Misfortune

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

It's setbacks, hard knocks and obstacles of every sort we deal w/ on this Folktale of Misfortune--in the finest of musical perspectives. Ready for a reversal of fortune? Then be sure to join us!

Ft_weekly-fb__prx__misfortune_verse_small According to our wise old Uncle Remus: "You can't run away from trouble. There ain't no place that far." So this week on Folktales, we're looking for alternate solutions--around the musical globe. We'll be tracking tunes, and wise words across the Americas, through Europe and into near eastern and African traditions, averting bad luck, loss and painful lumps as we go. Featured artists include Steve Martin & the Steep Canyon Rangers, Clifton Chenier, Itzhak Perlman, Rua Port'Alba, Oliver Mtukudzi and more. so be prepared to turn your karma around, with our Folktale of Misfortune.

Folktale of Misfortune

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

It's setbacks, hard knocks and obstacles of every sort we deal w/ on this Folktale of Misfortune--in the finest of musical perspectives. Ready for a reversal of fortune? Then be sure to join us!

Ft_weekly-fb__prx__misfortune_verse_small According to our wise old Uncle Remus: "You can't run away from trouble. There ain't no place that far." So this week on Folktales, we're looking for alternate solutions--around the musical globe. We'll be tracking tunes, and wise words across the Americas, through Europe and into near eastern and African traditions, averting bad luck, loss and painful lumps as we go. Featured artists include Steve Martin & the Steep Canyon Rangers, Clifton Chenier, Itzhak Perlman, Rua Port'Alba, Oliver Mtukudzi and more. so be prepared to turn your karma around, with our Folktale of Misfortune.

Folktale of Urban Living

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

It's musical customs for, from and about "the masses" we're sampling this week, on WBOI's Folktale of Urban Living. Care to come along?

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_urban_living_verse_small "A city is more than a place in space, it is a drama in time." That uptown though from early 20th century Scottish socioloist and pioneer city planner, Patrick Geddes, is (travel) guiding this edition of Folktales around the musical globe, with a fast-paced itinerary that begins in our own North & South American worlds, then heads us through Europe, and beyond, for street sights, sounds and scenes old and new.
Featured artists include Bob Dylan, No Strings Attached, Paul Kioebge, The Chieftains, Inkuyo, Sweet Honey in the Rock, Chapinlandia, William Eaton, Duane Eby and more. It's quite a metro-meander we have planned, so we're hoping you'll keep up with traffic, and join us for this folk-style tour of urban living.

Folktale of Sorrow

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

Author Paul Coelho said, "Tears are words that need to be written." We're adding music to the emotion this week, on the Folktale of Sorrow.

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_sorrow_verse_small "Sadness is but a wall between two gardens.: That's a wise and well-turned way to view life's difficulties, from Lebanese poet, Kahlil Gibran, and the musical path this week's edition of Folktales is following.
With a bittersweet assortment of sayings, and muscial traditions, we'll be traveling through the Americas, Europe, and Africa, and our featured artists include Aine Minogue, Joe Martyn Ricke, Addison Agen, Sarah McQuaid, the Tenores di Bitti, Carlos Reyes, James Bobchak, Habib Koite & Bamada, and more.
Its a compassionate journey, and we hope you'll join us for it, with all your heart and soul.

Folktale of Varmints

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

"Snakes hide in grass, people behind their lies." We don't know who said it, but find out why this week on the Folktale of Varmints.

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_varmints_verse_small According to young adult novelist, R.L. Lafers, in Theodosia & the Serpents of Chaos, "It takes a surprising amount of courage to place one's hand into an unseen area when your mind is thinking about vermin." Or snakes...or rats...or lowlifes and sleazeballs of any variety--and that's what this edition of Folktales is all about. Armed w/ warning words of wisdom and a crate of pest strips, we're traveling the musical globe, through the Americas, across Europe, into Africa, the South Pacific and beyond.

Our featured musicians include John Minton, Al Petteway, Barry Phillips, I Giuillari di Piazza, William Eaton & Arvel Bird, Joanne Shenandoah, Steve Roach & Friends, and more. Granny wouldn't let 'em in the cement pond, and Yosemite Sam gave the goldurn idjits a big taste o' lead. To find out why--be sure and join us for the Folktale of Varmints.

Folktale of Abundance

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

According to Epicurus, "The grateful heart sits at a continuous feast." And we're sharing it with you this week on the Folktale of Abundance.

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_abundance_verse_small As the ancient Greek philosopher, Epicurus, explained int, "not what we have, but waht we enjoy, constitutes our abundance," and on this edition of Folktales, we're following that wise measure around the globe.
Armed with a bountiful supply of musical traditions, and words of wisdom, we'll be touring the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and beyond, and our featured artists include Slavek Hanslik, Ella Jenkins, Bob Dylan, Joe Martyn Ricke, I Giullari di Piazza, Keola Beamer & George Winston, Daniel Paul,La India Canela and more.
"To get the full value of joy, you must have someone to share it with"--that's from Mark Twain--and with this Folktale of Abundance, there's plenty for everyone.

Folktale of Summer Solstice

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

It's Father Sun in the driver's seat, this edition of Folktales, so grab the shades and climb aboard for this heliocentric ride!


"Each solstice is a domain of experience unto itself. At the summer solstice, all is green and growing, potential coming into being, the miracle of manifestation painted large on the canvas of awareness."That’s how American inspirational author, Gary Zukav describes our annual celebration, and this week’s folktour is following that lead, one sun-kissed tune at a time.

We'll be looking for fun in the new summer's sun across the Americas, through Europe, and into the middle east, and our featured musicians include Soltré, Dennis Caraher, Rosalind & The Way, Chrissi Polland & Ari Hest, Trio Mediaeval, KelsiCote, inkuyo, Omar Faruk Tekbilek and more.

Folktale of Gatherings

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

As the old campfire song goes, the more we get together, the happier we'll be...so here's hoping you'll join us this week for the Folktale of Gathering.

Ft_weekly-fb___prx_gatherings_verse_small As they say in many a folkworld, "Most cherished moments happen when friends and family gather together, and that's what this episode of Folktales is all about. Armed w/ musical tradition and wise words, we're traveling through the Americas, Europe, Africa and the Far East in search of socials, shindigs, musters, meetings and more, that speak to the communal side of living, and celebrating life.

Our featured musicians include Eric Brace & Karl Straub, Tony Ellis, the Swingbillies, Barry Phillips, Inkuyo, David Fanshawe, Mickey Hart, Bholoja, Kamal and more, so get ready to rally, because you are cordially invited to join us for the Folktale of Gathering.

Folktale of Uncertainty

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

What's next? Who could know? Should I stay or should I go? That's what the Folktale of Uncertainty is ALL about!


“Have patience with everything that remains unsolved in your heart. ...live in the question.” That advice comes from Bohemian-Austrian poet, Rainer Maria Rilke, and puts our minds at ease, this edition of Folktales, as we travel the musical globe in search of speculative situations & indeterminate results. Ever feel like you’re hanging by a thread? The outcome may be unforeseeable, but you will be able to hear exactly what it sounds like, we guarantee.

We're taking some wise words with us  as we track musical traditions through the Americas, into Europe, hopping islands and crossing Africa, to points East. Our featured musicians include Fowler & Branca, Peter Cooper & Lloyd Green, Shelly Dixon & Jeff McRae, Los Lobos, Buckwheat Zydeco, The Jolly Boys, Evren Ozan, Yangjin Lamu and more. One thing for certain? You're not going to want to miss it!

Folktale of Adventure

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

This week on Folktales, we're going upward & onward with a world of adventuresome music! Dare to join us?


“Every man can transform the world from one of monotony and drabness to one of excitement and adventure.” That’s what American author, Irving Wallace believed, and we’re embarking on our own journey to prove that very action-oriented theory this week on Folktales.

We're outfitting ourselves with wise words, and a most musical itinerary that includes the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia. Our featured artists are Ken Kolodner, Edgar Meyer & Bela Fleck, Mary Youngblook, Light Rain Dark Fire, David Michael, the Justin Vallee Trio and more. It’s a wide and wonderful world of musical traditions we’re set to explore, and we hope you’ll join the exploration team--if you're game!

Folktale of Adventure

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

This week on Folktales, we're going upward & onward with a world of adventuresome music! Dare to join us?


“Every man can transform the world from one of monotony and drabness to one of excitement and adventure.” That’s what American author, Irving Wallace believed, and we’re embarking on our own journey to prove that very action-oriented theory this week on Folktales.

We're outfitting ourselves with wise words, and a most musical itinerary that includes the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia. Our featured artists are Ken Kolodner, Edgar Meyer & Bela Fleck, Mary Youngblook, Light Rain Dark Fire, David Michael, the Justin Vallee Trio and more. It’s a wide and wonderful world of musical traditions we’re set to explore, and we hope you’ll join the exploration team--if you're game!

Folktale of Karma

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

Call it Kismet...call it fate...Do good and it will follow you. Hear for yourself this week on Folktales!


As American author, J. Earl explains, “Karma manifests Newton’s Third Law of Motion in the arena of Ethics.” That would be the one about there being an equal and opposite reaction for every action—and it’s the very calculated cause & effect we’ve chosen to track around the musical globe, this edition.

We'll be carrying wise thoughts on the destiny that lies ahead for the hour, as we travel across the Americas, though Europe and into Africa, Tibet & the South Pacific. And our playlist features February Sky, Dawkins & Titus, Ted Kines, Los Folkloristoas, Aine Minogue, Te Vaka, Oliver Mtukudzi, Mary Youngblood and more. So, with a brand new year on the horizon, be prepared to listen well to these ethically inspired observations, because, as you’ll be hearing, what goes around comes around.

Folktale of Respect

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

Emerson maintained that “Men are respectable only as they respect.” Hear what that sounds like this week on Folktales.


As American religious leader, Thomas S. Monson reminds us, “When we treat people merely as they are, they will remain as they are. When we treat them as if they were what they should be, they will become what they should be.”  We’ll track the transformations through a world of good music, this show, stopping in the Americas, Europe, Africa and points east to pay our respects.
Our featured musicians include C.W. Mundy, Sally Rogers, Bonnie Rideout, Keoloa Beamer & R. Carlos Nakai, Inkuyo, Blk Sonshine, Aretha Franklin and more—respectfully hoping you’ll come along?

Folktale of Contentment

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | 59:59

This week's show is all about contentment. As Dr. Seuss says, "“Just tell yourself, Duckie, you're real quite lucky.”

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_contentment_verse_small Ever wonder about your lot in life? According to Martha Washington, “The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances.” We’re traveling the globe for musical variations on that theme this episode, armed with wise advice on the subject and ready to fulfill our every aspiration.

Our featured artists include Tah nagakm Kewus Ross, Joanne Shenandoah, KelsiCote, the Bulgarian Women's Choir, Anoushka Shankar & Norah Jones, Conrad Praetzel and more. Here’s hoping you’ll be able to share the satisfaction of this most compelling folktale.

Folktale of Thoroughfares

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

Musically speaking, on this Folktale of Thoroughfares, it's my way or the highway!


As American architect Andrés Duany notes, “The role of the street is social as well as utilitarian.” So we’re traveling highways, avenues and main drags around the musical world to find out just what, where and how we're connected. 

Armed with a map case of alternate routes and wise words, we'll be rolling through the Americas, Europe, Africa and beyond. Our musical works include Joe Euro, The JugHuffers, Northern Lights, Scartaglen, Cyril Pahinui, Barefoot, Baka, William Eaton & more. So if you're ready for a road trip to remember--it's all eyes on the road, watch for speed traps, and next turn? The Folktale of Thoroughfares!


Folktale of Duty

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

Ya gotta do what ya gotta do, and it's your duty to listen carefully to this week's edition of WBOI's Folktales.

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_duty_verse_small Ever get tired of doing the right thing? Well, as 19th century English philosopher John Stuart Mill warned us, "Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men shoul look on and do nothing." And exploring that theory is our mission this episode of Folktales.
Armed with wise words, and a full task force of musical traditions we'll be traveling though the Americas, across Europe and into Africa and the middle East, and our featured musicians include Magpie, Bob Dylan, Portnoy, The Legendary Trainhoppers, Bidinte, Machanic Manyeruke, Ashkaru, Yungchen Lhamo, Cornell Kinderknecht and more. Hope you'll rise to the occasion, and get ready for this powerful journey.

Folktale of Understanding

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

Either you get it or you don't. This week's edition of Folktales is ALL about understanding. Are we clear?


If life has you scratching your head trying to figure out what it's all about, take a tip from Friedrich Nietzsche: “Glance into the world just as though time were gone: and everything crooked will become straight to you.” Then take a listen to this edition of Folktales, as we travel the world of musical customs and wide words on the topic that should make things crystal clear.

We'll be traveling the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia for this enlightenment, and our musical acts include Todd Phillipps, The Wailin' Jennys, Grupo Aymara, Pierre Bensusan and more. Do you get my drift? As Nietzshe also pointed out, 
“If you know the why, you can live any how.”  

Folktale of Challenge

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

No one ever said it would be easy. We challenge you to see if this week's Folktale lives up to that fact'

Ft_weekly-fb___prx_challenge_verse_small “It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get up.” That’s how America’s beloved football legend, Vince Lombardi, regarded a good challenge, and regularly dared his opponents to prove him wrong. This week on Folktales, we/re tackling that supposition as we travel the musical globe in search of solid support for this winning strategy.

Armed with more wise words on the subject, we'll be touring the Americas, Europe, Africa and India for a listen to musical traditions that speak to this thought. Featured musicians include Eric Brace & Karl Straub, Seth & May, Magpie, Marta Sebestyen, Keola Beamer & R. Carlos Nakai, the Safri Brothers and more. We're hopeing you're up for the challenge. Ready to play ball?

Folktale of the Weather

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

Neither snow nor rain nor heat nor gloom of night stays this folktale from the swift completion of it's radio broadcast!

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_weather_verse_small No matter how you look at it, someone is always factoring in that meteorological forecast! As the famous Victorian art critic John Ruskin observed, "Sunshine is delicious, rain is refreshing, wind braces us up, snow is exhilarating; there is really no such thing as bad weather, only different kinds of good weather."

That's the barometric pressure driving this episode as we arm ourselves w/ wise words and musical gear and follow those prevailing conditions across the Americas, trhough Europe and then into Africa, Asia, India and Australia. Featured musicans include Tingstad & Rumbel, Richard D. Henry, the Golden Gate Quartet, Keola Beamer, Outback, Ricardo Lembvo, Cornell Kinderknecht & more. We're expecting clear skies and perfect listening conditions--do hope you'll join us!

Folktale of Mistakes

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

Beware of operator errors this week on Folktales & don't make the mistake of missing this show!

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_template_verse_small No one is perfect, and everyone has room to improve. with that in mind, we're entering this week's edition of Folktales with one of Ghandi's power points: "It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom.

It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and wisest might err." To that point, we'll be arming ourselves with wise words and timely music as we travel through the Americas, across Europe and then into Africa and India.

Our musical selections feature Trian, Bob Dylan, Ari Hest, John Minton, Muszikas, Mr. Peters and His Boom & Chime, the Klezmatics and more. Don't you think perhaps, you'd better join us?

Folktale of Mistakes

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

Beware of operator errors this week on Folktales & don't make the mistake of missing this show!

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_template_verse_small No one is perfect, and everyone has room to improve. with that in mind, we're entering this week's edition of Folktales with one of Ghandi's power points: "It is unwise to be too sure of one's own wisdom.

It is healthy to be reminded that the strongest might weaken and wisest might err." To that point, we'll be arming ourselves with wise words and timely music as we travel through the Americas, across Europe and then into Africa and India.

Our musical selections feature Trian, Bob Dylan, Ari Hest, John Minton, Muszikas, Mr. Peters and His Boom & Chime, the Klezmatics and more. Don't you think perhaps, you'd better join us?

Folktale of Civil Rights & Liberties

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

Around the musical globe, we're all in this together--let freedom ring!


As we look toward our own country’s Independence Day, these timeless words of Martin Luther King, Jr. are essential, "Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." That’s what we’re contemplating this episode, as we set out across the Americas, through Europe and into Africa, the near east and beyond. For the journey we’ll be armed with wise words and musical traditions that reflect this consideration, thankful for our freedoms, praying that justice will someday span the globe.

Featured musicians include, Tom Juravich, Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, Bob Dylan, Chantan, The Mysterious Voices of Bulgaria, Inkuyo, Sweet Honey in the Rock, the Sultans of String, Jimmy Cliff and more. Here's to freedom! Hope you can join us.

Folktale of Ups & Downs

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

If the road is rocky & your personal 'auto-levelator' is on the blink, this week's Folktale will help you musically maneuver through those pesky ups & downs!

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_ups___downs_verse_small "Life has its ups and downs. When you are up, enjoy the scenery. When you are down, touch the soul do your being and feel the beauty." That thought comes to us from American philsopher and poet-seer, Debasish Mridha, and this week on Folktales, its a "sound idea" in more ways than one.
We're gathering wise words and musical traditions from all around the globe as we travel hills & valleys and other non-level pathways through the Americas, across Europe and on to Indian and Africa.
Our playlist features Patty Larkin, Noel Lenaghan, John Dawkins, Agricantus, Burning Sky, Taj Mahal,Oliver Mukudzi and more. Pathway need smoothing? Let the Folktale of Ups & Downs set you straight!

Folktale of Appreciation

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

This week's edition of Folktales is one we hope you'll catch & we can't thank you enough!


If this crazy world we live in has you overwhelmed, here’s a tip from American behavioral scientist & author, Steve Maraboli: “Forget yesterday - it has already forgotten you. Don't sweat tomorrow - you haven't even met. Instead, open your eyes and your heart to a truly precious gift - today.” That’s what we’ll be doing this episode of Folktales—with mood music gathered from every corner of the world.
We've also gathered wise words for the journey, and we'll be traveling through the America's, Europe, Africa & the East. Featured musicians include Michael Jonathan, the Lucky Sisters, Armik, Joanne Shenandoah, Tenores di Bitti, Nawang Khechog & more. Thanks for being you--hope you can join us.

Folktale of Beacons

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

We're shining a light on a world of musical storytelling this week.

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_beacons_verse_small Have you ever felt cut off from everything? I mean... "Alone! Alone! No beacon, far or near. No chart, no compass, and no anchor stay?" That's how 19th century Australian born British novelist Ada Cambridge pictured that dilemma, and it's a universal nightmare we hope ot shine some light on this episode, with a musical tour of guideposts and illuminants through the Americas, across Europe and all the way to mideastern and suth pacific networks.
We'll be featuring John McCutcheon, Lee Murdock, Oscar Reynols, William Eaton & R. Carlos Nakai, Chuck Jonky, Ottmar Liebert and more.

Our way will be clearly defined i assure you, and there's plenty of room on the lightship--hope you'll see your way clear to join us.

Folktale of Beacons

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

We're shining a light on a world of musical storytelling this week.

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_beacons_verse_small Have you ever felt cut off from everything? I mean... "Alone! Alone! No beacon, far or near. No chart, no compass, and no anchor stay?" That's how 19th century Australian born British novelist Ada Cambridge pictured that dilemma, and it's a universal nightmare we hope ot shine some light on this episode, with a musical tour of guideposts and illuminants through the Americas, across Europe and all the way to mideastern and suth pacific networks.
We'll be featuring John McCutcheon, Lee Murdock, Oscar Reynols, William Eaton & R. Carlos Nakai, Chuck Jonky, Ottmar Liebert and more.

Our way will be clearly defined i assure you, and there's plenty of room on the lightship--hope you'll see your way clear to join us.

Folktale of Courtesy

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

Out of our profound respect for you, this edition is courtesy of Folktales.


“We must always try to be polite to the other person even if they have upset us. Politeness is the grease that keeps the gears of all relationships turning.”  That’s not only a great idea from American philosopher & author Zachariah Renfro, it’s actually what’s guiding this edition of Folktales all around the musical world of good manners and kindly considerations.

Armed with nothing but the most thoughtful words on the subject, we'll be traveling through the Americas, across Europe and all the way to African, India & the South Pacific and our musical features include the Shady Grove Band, Helen O'Hara, Klezmer Juice, Uzume Taiko & Takeo Yamashiro, S.E. Rogie and more.

With all due respect, we’d be very pleased to have you join us for the Folktale of Courtesy, and would like to thank you kindly for your consideration!

Folktale of Magic

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 01:00:02

Abracadabra! This week on Folktales, we're tracking supernatural phenomena around the musical worlds they mesmerize. A frightfully fun show--hope you can join us!

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_magic_verse_small According to W.B. Yeats, "The world is full of magic things, patiently waiting for our senses to grow sharper"--so it's sensory honing we're applying on this especially fright-full edition!

We're traveling the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa and a few 'otherworldly realms', w/ music from February Sky, Kiva, Donovan, the Neville Brothers, Cordilleras, Angelique Kidjo, Ken Field, Tenko & Ikue Mori and more-Shazam!

Folktale of Safety

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

Relax! This Folktale comes with a safety harness!

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_safety_verse_small Relax! This Folktale comes with a safety harness!

Folktale of Comfort Zones

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | 59:59

If it feels good, stay right where you are & have a listen!


“How could you ever feel comfortable if no matter where you went you felt like you belonged someplace else?”  That’s a valid question posed by English-born American author Mark Peter Hughes, and we’re hoping that this week’s audio adventure puts you at ease and in tune with yourself, your surroundings and the world of agreeable music we’ll be tracking.

Armed with wise words & a world of musical traditions,we'll do our best to make our listeners feel as snug as a bug in a rug (but not too complacent!) as we travel the Americas, Europe, the South Pacific, Afrrica and beyond.

Music by Ken Kolodner, Bob Dylan, Dave Swarbrick, Inkuyo, OK! Ryos, Habib Koite & many others will guide our way, and we’re saving you the very sweetest of spot of all—do hope you can join us!

Folktale of Comfort Zones

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | 59:59

If it feels good, stay right where you are & have a listen!


“How could you ever feel comfortable if no matter where you went you felt like you belonged someplace else?”  That’s a valid question posed by English-born American author Mark Peter Hughes, and we’re hoping that this week’s audio adventure puts you at ease and in tune with yourself, your surroundings and the world of agreeable music we’ll be tracking.

Armed with wise words & a world of musical traditions,we'll do our best to make our listeners feel as snug as a bug in a rug (but not too complacent!) as we travel the Americas, Europe, the South Pacific, Afrrica and beyond.

Music by Ken Kolodner, Bob Dylan, Dave Swarbrick, Inkuyo, OK! Ryos, Habib Koite & many others will guide our way, and we’re saving you the very sweetest of spot of all—do hope you can join us!

Folktale of Coping

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

Whatever it takes is what it will take! (And remember, it IS what it is.)


If you’re feeling like the weight of the world is on your shoulders, take this devilish bit of advice from that iconic horror writer, Stephen King: “If you can't laugh when things go bad--laugh and put on a little carnival--then you're either dead or wishing you were.”  That’s the premise we’re adapting to in this week’s edition, with a world of music and wise words for the occasion.

Our musical offerings include Cornell Kinderknecht, The Main Stree Porch Band, Colin Linden, Kyle Riabko, The Incredible String Band, Outback, Jake Shimabukuro & more. So let’s take a deep breath, and get ready to make the most of our journey.

Folktale of Days Gone By

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

A world of music for moments that are here today & gone tomorrow.


If you've ever stopped to think about it, “We are products of our past, but we don't have to be prisoners of it.” At least that’s how Rick Warren explains it, in The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here for? So that’s the perspective we’re taking this week on Folktales, as we travel all around the musical world to reclaim and treasure special moments while moving forward on the journey.

Armed with wise words on the topic and music from the Americas, Europe, Africa, India and beyond, our featured artists include Trapezoid, Gabe Bailey, Eric Brace, Peter Cooper & Thomm Jur, Cornell Kinderknecht, Main Street Porch Band, the Legendary Trainhoppers, Finjan, Sultans of String and more, It’s all about the Days Gone By—don’t miss this chance to join us!

Folktale of Vistas

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

It's a world of good music we're focusing on, as far as the eye can see!


“After climbing a great hill, one only finds that there are many more hills to climb. I can rest only for a moment, for with freedom come responsibilities, and I dare not linger, for my long walk is not yet ended.” Nelson Mandela’s incredible gift of vision has set the scene for this edition of Folktales, and we’re traveling the musical globe to hear exactly what that sounds like—through the Americas, across Europe and into Africa & points East.

Our featured artists include The Legendary Trainhoppers, Brian Bowers, Helicon, the Mysterious Voices of Bulgaria, Nawang Khechog, Steven Cragg and more. It's your gateway to adventure, you might say so please be ready to enjoy the scenic wonder!

Folktale of Dance

From Northeast Indiana Public Radio | Part of the Folktales series | 59:59

You know what they say..."Take more chances, dance more dances!"

Ft_weekly-prx___fb_dance_verse_small Afraid you were born with two left feet? According to acclaimed American poet, Maya Angelou, "Everything in the universe has rhythm. Everything dances." And that’s what we’re stepping up to prove this edition of Folktales, with a full dance card of wise sayings and music from, for and about the art of dancing all around the folkworld. We’ll be busting moves, cutting rugs and definitely, boogie ‘til the sun comes up. Ready to rock this Folktale of Dance?