Comments by Deanna Clohessy

Comment for "A Dance Between Darkness & Light: My Struggle With Bipolar Disorder"

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Having spent more than a year in a relationship with a Bi-Polar person, my heart broke all over again listening to this. There is nothing as heart-wrenching as watching the person to whom you've given your life, your heart, devolve into someone you don't know - someone who can be a hateful and miserable opposite of the sweet and sensitive person you love.

You know you love this person with every fiber of your being, and yet they're never quite within your reach. You can't rightfully hate them because you know they aren't really themselves, but at the same time you have to protect yourself - and there's a lot of guilt and conflict and pain associated with that.

I've looked into those eyes and watched that swirling hurricane. I've been on the ground and survived the first side, and never fully relaxing during the eye of the storm because it was always only a matter of time before the other side of the storm slammed into our world again. I've lived it on the outside. Now Aubrey puts a sound and a voice to the disorder on the inside - a haunting rendition of what I always imagined it sounded like behind those stormy eyes.