Comments by Joe Turner

Comment for "In Search of the Marble Donut"

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Just. great. The best doc on prx.

Comment for "#50 - The Loneliest Creature on Earth"

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heard the low rumble whilst wearing my headphones. gave me a bit of a headache every time it came on..

Comment for "Father-Daughter Conflict"

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painful to hear

Dunno what to say. It's a good piece, I'm just not sure I'm glad to have heard it, because it sounds a bit like overhearing a difficult family conflict. It's good work Gabby, hope to hear more from you.

Comment for "Celebrating the Birthday of Big Joe Turner" (deleted)

Caption: PRX default User image

woop (deleted)

the guy had a great name!

Comment for "A New York Drummer"

Caption: PRX default User image


zac, this is really good, I liked it a lot.

Comment for "Between Two Buns"

Caption: PRX default User image


I really like the piece, Andrew - I liked the mix of interview and outdoor style. And I'm really envious that you could get this good radio into 3 mins. For me, though, the music sucked.

Comment for "Folktale of Prosperity"

Caption: PRX default User image


exceptionally beautiful work. love it.