Comments by Brad Powers

Comment for "Hank Ballard; Blues In The First Person" (deleted)

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Review of Hank Ballard; Blues In The First Person (deleted)

This piece talks about Hank Ballard and his experience in the recording industry. It shows how forces can combine in this industry to push one artist aside in favor of another one. I found it enligtening and I enjoyed the music.

Comment for "RN Documentary: Intersex"

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Review of RN Documentary: Intersex

This piece handles a delicate subject very well. The use of numerous people that have had to deal with the intersex condition takes the topic and puts a human fact on it. I originally thought that the piece would be more clinical or perhaps mocking, however, the dignity of the participants is preserved. I really apprecaited the piece.

Comment for "Dad & Daws (Father's Day)"

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Review of Dad & Daws (Father's Day)

Listened to piece while working on a presentation. The piece did not interrupt what I was doing, but I found myself listening more and more. It really appealed to me and was uplifting. It shows how bad situations do not always have a bad ending. It also made me appreciate my father all the more.